Friday 7 October 2011

Subliminal connotations

After learning a bit more about media i have started to notice things i see in a wide variaty of texts and relise thier meaning and how they convey, add to or fit in to thier related fields. For example, i have been watching the show 'Dexter' for a while now and have finaly understood some of its less obvious denotations and connotations, such as, during its iconic opening scene where breakfast is being made, several points stood out to me that i feel relate to the thriller theme of the show.
These are, a razor blade going across someone throat, and drawing blood, (top left image) the 'wraped wire', (lower center image) made infamous in shuch texts as the Hitman franchise and other assasin based media, meat being carved up, Michael C. Hall's face through the T-shirt, giving the impression of suffocation, in fact most of the opening sequence involves some depiction of a merderous connotation through, mundane and everyday, denotations.