Wednesday 23 November 2011

My moms new Boyfriend trailer review

1: Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to establish the film's genre

This trailer uses media language to establish the genres, by the use of quick changes between scenes and shots, the presence of guns, a common convention that appears in most action films, a car chase, that give the movie a quick sense of pace,physical violence, that adds to pace and denotes genre by giving the audience a way to view characters, and destruction, that is used to show fast pace hallmarks of the action genre. Also, other elements such as facial close ups, that are used to show a character's reactions, especially if they make a amusing face, the use of momentary silence of diegetic and non-diegetic sound to set up a punch line, slapstick comedy, where the character falls over at the beginning, as well as, their own unattractive outward appearance, that shows that this is meant to be a more predominantly, comedy based film.

2: Media Representations: How is 'The Family' represented in this trailer

The family is shown to be unconventional, in the since that it is based around a mother and son dynamic, but this is added to by the fact that the son is a grown man. But on the other hand it shows a strong commitment to family ties of a, somewhat independent son and his ‘down hill’ mother.

3: Media Institutions: What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer

Hollywood values could be shown by the values of extravagant American locations, the thrill of a cliché, high-speed chase in expensive cars, and beautiful women playing the leading roles

4: Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

Comedy is a popular genre so including this element in the film may help to appeal to a wider audience than having a generic single genre film.


  1. WWW; A good use of media terminology, clearly understood the film genre.
    EBI; But not enough analysis shown on the text itself.

  2. James I can't read this! Please change the font and tweet me when you have done so. Ideally before our lesson tomorrow.

  3. James, I like that you are using so many different media terms in your answer but I think that Miss Okezie will agree with me when I say try not to just use them for the sake of using them. You need to say something interesting in every sentence and focus your answers so that they specifically answer the questions.
