Wednesday 23 November 2011

My moms new Boyfriend trailer review

1: Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to establish the film's genre

This trailer uses media language to establish the genres, by the use of quick changes between scenes and shots, the presence of guns, a common convention that appears in most action films, a car chase, that give the movie a quick sense of pace,physical violence, that adds to pace and denotes genre by giving the audience a way to view characters, and destruction, that is used to show fast pace hallmarks of the action genre. Also, other elements such as facial close ups, that are used to show a character's reactions, especially if they make a amusing face, the use of momentary silence of diegetic and non-diegetic sound to set up a punch line, slapstick comedy, where the character falls over at the beginning, as well as, their own unattractive outward appearance, that shows that this is meant to be a more predominantly, comedy based film.

2: Media Representations: How is 'The Family' represented in this trailer

The family is shown to be unconventional, in the since that it is based around a mother and son dynamic, but this is added to by the fact that the son is a grown man. But on the other hand it shows a strong commitment to family ties of a, somewhat independent son and his ‘down hill’ mother.

3: Media Institutions: What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer

Hollywood values could be shown by the values of extravagant American locations, the thrill of a cliché, high-speed chase in expensive cars, and beautiful women playing the leading roles

4: Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

Comedy is a popular genre so including this element in the film may help to appeal to a wider audience than having a generic single genre film.

Thursday 17 November 2011


I was just looking at the class blog and saw the modern family poster and was thinking that, tecnically if you acknoledge them arent all familys modern? Evan ancient egyptians, for example, because thier dead thier no longer a family? So therfor that which is, is modern.

- Drop a line.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Family representation in Brick lane

The family represented in Brick lane is portrayed initially as a conventional nuclear family, with a married wife and husband with two children. It is then shown to be a more or less imperfect, when the children begin to drift from their heritage, and their mother starts an affair because of her neglecting and proud husband , that constantly ignores her opinion and the individual identities of the children. The youngest daughter rarely speaks, but could be seen to represent the quiet and innocent stereotype of a ‘duckling’ child, that merely goes through the motions of what everyone else is doing, making her much more of a peripheral character, although she is an immediate family member the main cast and protagonist. On the other hand her older sister seems to embody the rebellious teen demographic, that branches out in search of identity, while constantly questions the authority of her parents and rattling the barriers of the rules that have been enforced into her life, away from the culture they are to enforce. We often see the mother as the classic step-ford wife lacking direction and will, only to end-up having an affair and growing out of her long suffering childhood
The father may be an irritating and intolerable person but he never truly seems evil, and most of his seemingly selfish actions appear to prompt the actions of other characters and propel the storyline, for example, he is always promotes his own ideas and objectives but his expressions seem to employ a sort of reverse psychology, and when he loses his job and constantly recites the fact that the man must support the family, seems only to strengthen the resolve of his wife to get a job herself, making him seem, to me at least, to be some social strategist who manipulates those around him, and in doing so enriches their lives and makes them happier.
So overall, they appear to be represented as a classical family with it problems, and redeeming heartfelt qualities, tied in with watered down religious ideologies and traditions, that fade as the film progresses. I believe that this is down to the influence of opposing culture, and although native white English Christian families aren’t presented  in any depth or acknowledgement. I feel that this is purely down to the writers own impartial objective towards the definitive features of a family structure, within her book and film.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Media Magazine Confrence

The layout for the day was, firstly, a discussion on ‘Riots and representations’ by David Buckingham in relation how society is shaped by the media, then presentations by examiners Christine Bell, who gave a scintillating speech on the value of doctor who to the BBC, Steph Hendry, who gave a ‘cross-platform case study’ Pete Fraser gave some advise on production responsibility, and to be prepared for difficulties, then Garth Jennings gave an explanation of his career as a director and talked about his works, such as son of Rambo and hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, followed by some Q&A from Babita Sharma, a presenter for BBC World News, and Paul Lewis who works as a journalist for The Guardian, mainly talking about their work.

The main things I took from the conference is, that bad luck is to be expected and that most problems can be solved by creative thinking, which could in its self lead to the forming of new and better ideas.

David Buckingham talked about the riots and how media played a role in it, through its use to organize rioters, encourage anarchy and how the media portrayed violent and dangerous imagery, symbols and ideologies, in a positive and socially acceptable, that was supposed to have created to thuggish mindset that manipulated itself into this frenzied attack on law and peace.
One of the themes of the conference was about the use of Web 2.0, which is an adaptation of the already existing internet by adding user generated content through such sites as YouTube, face book, twitter est. That compete greatly with big brand media institutions, such as, BBC, broad sheet newspapers, radio and so on. And because of this those big brands that had for a long time been key sources of information, are now struggling to maintain the interest of the public.

Film overview


1. After the initial idea is fully formed, the writer may approach a producer, and if it receives funding the film may then go through a rewrite with story board and CGI demos to further refine it, it then goes onto cast rehearsals, and likely retakes, that then leads to the editing process where the film is composed, after that there may be closed screenings, that could mean more editing and other changes, and finally the film is finished.
2. Film distribution is the process in which institutions dispense film media to the public by organizing and managing the selling of DVDs, TV, broadcasts and cinematic viewings of films
3. The Hollywood studio system was the close knit organisation and accusation through professional institutes where several companies worked towards the goal of creating, producing, distributing and exhibition of a film.
4. Film production is different today as it is formed by institutes that form short term contracts with other specialised institutes.
5. Horizontal integration: is the joint collaboration of those within the same profession, but who are allied to different institutes. This would appear in medical professionals who trade insight with their co-workers, or multiple census groups working to gather more information.
Vertical integration: the collaboration of those in different fields of work but who are part of a wider process. An example of the would be a production company working with a distribution company, or an outlet shop ordering supply from a manufacturing company.
A film produced by 20th century fox would be x-men first class, which has been advertised creatively in a number of ways such as posters, trailers, TV adverts even its own website, mainly through the uses of its own subsidiaries, and other institutions that have further advertised the film through a snowball affect that continuously advertises the film and spreads it to other organisations, i.e. happy meal toys, wall posters, games est.

Friday 7 October 2011

Subliminal connotations

After learning a bit more about media i have started to notice things i see in a wide variaty of texts and relise thier meaning and how they convey, add to or fit in to thier related fields. For example, i have been watching the show 'Dexter' for a while now and have finaly understood some of its less obvious denotations and connotations, such as, during its iconic opening scene where breakfast is being made, several points stood out to me that i feel relate to the thriller theme of the show.
These are, a razor blade going across someone throat, and drawing blood, (top left image) the 'wraped wire', (lower center image) made infamous in shuch texts as the Hitman franchise and other assasin based media, meat being carved up, Michael C. Hall's face through the T-shirt, giving the impression of suffocation, in fact most of the opening sequence involves some depiction of a merderous connotation through, mundane and everyday, denotations.

Friday 30 September 2011

Good morning vietnam

Today we watched the 1987 film 'Good Morning Vietnam', starring Robin Williams as a comical war time radio host who befriends the locals of Saigon, and is constantly harranged by his superiour officers to reframe from mentioning the movements of the war and to act more seriously, however he continues to broadcats quick witted humor  and jovial news issues to the american troops, until his vietnamese friend is found to be a terrorist  and is then dismissed from the country.
This film exposes the self consiousness of the american military goverment, that refuse to acknowledge the danger and fatalitys of the war, refering to it as a 'situation', and sensoring all news that is said over the air-waves. And aswell as demonstrating the sence of invasion imposed by the american forces and ostrasisation of the natives from thier own lands.
So over all i belive that this move shows strong ideas of hipocrasy displayed by thoes who are more powerful and belive themselves better than others, which i belive is a volitial combination.