Friday 30 September 2011

Good morning vietnam

Today we watched the 1987 film 'Good Morning Vietnam', starring Robin Williams as a comical war time radio host who befriends the locals of Saigon, and is constantly harranged by his superiour officers to reframe from mentioning the movements of the war and to act more seriously, however he continues to broadcats quick witted humor  and jovial news issues to the american troops, until his vietnamese friend is found to be a terrorist  and is then dismissed from the country.
This film exposes the self consiousness of the american military goverment, that refuse to acknowledge the danger and fatalitys of the war, refering to it as a 'situation', and sensoring all news that is said over the air-waves. And aswell as demonstrating the sence of invasion imposed by the american forces and ostrasisation of the natives from thier own lands.
So over all i belive that this move shows strong ideas of hipocrasy displayed by thoes who are more powerful and belive themselves better than others, which i belive is a volitial combination.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you felt the urge to blog about this! Keep it up.
