Friday 30 September 2011

Good morning vietnam

Today we watched the 1987 film 'Good Morning Vietnam', starring Robin Williams as a comical war time radio host who befriends the locals of Saigon, and is constantly harranged by his superiour officers to reframe from mentioning the movements of the war and to act more seriously, however he continues to broadcats quick witted humor  and jovial news issues to the american troops, until his vietnamese friend is found to be a terrorist  and is then dismissed from the country.
This film exposes the self consiousness of the american military goverment, that refuse to acknowledge the danger and fatalitys of the war, refering to it as a 'situation', and sensoring all news that is said over the air-waves. And aswell as demonstrating the sence of invasion imposed by the american forces and ostrasisation of the natives from thier own lands.
So over all i belive that this move shows strong ideas of hipocrasy displayed by thoes who are more powerful and belive themselves better than others, which i belive is a volitial combination.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Last lesson

In our most recent media lesson i became aware that all newspapers are bias, weather it is because of politics, edior, avaliable news or means in which they gather thier news. Firstly most news papers have an afiliated political party, for example 'The Guardian', which is left wing, The Telegraph, which is right winged and The Independant which is neutral.
This means that every aspect of a newspaper is chosen by the editor or owner of the newspaper, from the fomt type, size, image, layout and reported story(s), which means that some storys reported to the newspaper will be ignored or passed over for somthing more intresting, meaning that in the end an newspaper is mearly a reflection of the controlers of the companie, heads of the institution, and an expression of ideaologys.
On a side note, empirical data shows that from 2004 to 2011 the newspaper industries have decreased by more than 75%, with the increase of e-media use and accessabilaity to information.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Print advert analysis

The print image i have chosen is a poster advertizing the movie 'BATMAN BEGINS', which in its self contains a large amount of dark colouring, which often connotes evil and to invoke fear, also the addition of bats that appear to be attracted to him add to this, as often bats are symbols of fear and are synnonymus with darkness, further inhancing a sence of fear in the viewing audience, but with Batman standing in the darkness suggests that he himself  is dark, but this is contrasted by the aura of light that surrounds the rest of him, connoting a sence that he in his life is surrounded by light and goodness and along with the bright halo that connotes religious sainthood, connotes he is revered as a saint.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Text analysis

For our media text analysis i have chosen to write about is the Marvel comics, who have been working on the indipendant storys of The Avengers, a Marvel super hero team, in the precedings for the Avengers film which may combine the storys and franchises of other heros including, such characters as, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and Captain America, as these films feature the characters of the origional Avengers team, and have also guest stared actors, playing iconic parts within the Marvel universe, for example, Samuel L. Jackson, who appears in the after credits ending of nearly all of these Marvel films, as the same character (Nick Fury).

Media 1

In these first few weeks of media we have learned about connotations, what an image is subtly communiicating, denotations, what an image literaly is and the confusion between reality and fiction, e.g
Q: In what town do the simpsons live?
you might say;
A: Springfield.
where the media awnser would be;
A: Nowhere, as they are merly cartoon characters and are not alive, so do not 'live' anywhere.