Thursday 29 September 2011

Last lesson

In our most recent media lesson i became aware that all newspapers are bias, weather it is because of politics, edior, avaliable news or means in which they gather thier news. Firstly most news papers have an afiliated political party, for example 'The Guardian', which is left wing, The Telegraph, which is right winged and The Independant which is neutral.
This means that every aspect of a newspaper is chosen by the editor or owner of the newspaper, from the fomt type, size, image, layout and reported story(s), which means that some storys reported to the newspaper will be ignored or passed over for somthing more intresting, meaning that in the end an newspaper is mearly a reflection of the controlers of the companie, heads of the institution, and an expression of ideaologys.
On a side note, empirical data shows that from 2004 to 2011 the newspaper industries have decreased by more than 75%, with the increase of e-media use and accessabilaity to information.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection on the topic. You could also include reflective comments on the article and points that stood out to you?
